Our adult social programs are meant to help the participants ensure social inclusion, build social connections and engage in meaningful activities. You can participate in the programs of your choice and make way for your overall growth and well-being. All our adult social programs will –

  • Promote social inclusion by offering opportunities to participate in community activities, events, and social gatherings.
  • Help build and maintain social connections with friends, family and the larger community around.
  • Encourage participation in recreational activities of your choice.
  • Help you develop your social skills and communication skills.

As your disability service provider in Sydney we will organise and conduct all our adult social programs in a way that ensures your safety.


01What are Adult Social Programs, and who can participate?

Adult Social Programs are designed to promote social inclusion, strengthen connections, and offer meaningful activities. They are open to participants looking to enhance their social engagement and overall well-being.

02How do I choose the programs that suit me, and what variety is available?

You have the flexibility to select programs of your choice, tailored to your interests. Our programs encompass a variety of activities, from community events to recreational pursuits, ensuring there's something for everyone.

03What support is provided for individuals with diverse abilities or disabilities?

At Caura, our adult social programs are inclusive and accommodate individuals with diverse abilities. We offer support in developing social and communication skills to ensure an enjoyable and enriching experience for all participants.

04How is safety ensured during these programs, and what is the role of the service provider?

As your disability service provider in Sydney, we organise and conduct these programs with a strong focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants. We have measures in place to create a secure and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.


How We Support You


Promoting Social Inclusion

We provide opportunities to join community activities, attend events, and participate in social gatherings, ensuring you feel fully integrated into your community.


Building and Maintaining Social Connections

Our programs encourage the development and maintenance of social connections with friends, family, and the broader community, enhancing your sense of belonging.


Participation in Recreational Activities

You have the freedom to engage in recreational activities that interest you, allowing for personal enjoyment and leisure.


Enhancing Social and Communication Skills

Our programs are designed to help you develop and strengthen your social and communication skills, providing you with greater confidence in social interactions.

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Client Stories

Caura is such a great wonderful service with great supports . In my days of being a support coordinator I would often refer my clients to Caura my clients and their families would always give me great feedback regarding the supports they were receiving as well as how kind the staff were. Absolutely love Caura service 5 stars from me

Belinda Maslen

Caura NDIS provides personal, physical and emotional support to people with disability who require assistance with daily living. The staff are compassionate and professional to clients, which i can say that Caura is the best NDIS Company in Australia.

Jacob Mark Bombeo

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to Caura for their exceptional NDIS services. They went above and beyond to provide me with the support I needed, and I highly recommend them to my friends and family. Their professionalism and dedication truly made a difference. Thanks again, Caura! 👏🏼 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Noah Alipor

Caura is the best NDIS Service Provider I had the pleasure of working with. Great staff with a true understanding of their clients' disabilities which make them perfectly suited to support them; you won't find a better service anywhere else in the industry!

Relth Mcroth

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